But now I'm nannying. I'm nannying for an awesome, energetic, stubborn, adorable 3 year old boy who just got a brand new baby sister on Wednesday!
That having been said, I have even LESS time to craft than I did when I was student teaching (that's possible? really??). Especially this weekend, since Mummy is in the hospital recovering from her C-section and Daddy is working/taking care of Mummy. Lil Dude is with me for 100% of the weekend. I do try to craft after he's gone to bed, but it's often interrupted by loud noises from somebody stomping their feet upstairs (who knew a 40 pound body could make so much noise?).
I usually have Sundays off, which I think will be sleep-in/sew/cook day from now on. Perhaps also let's-go-shopping-in-Boston day. We'll have to wait and see. Either way, posting probably won't be happening until I've finished something, I really like something, or I'm home in March.